Addictions and Habits

Stop your addiction or habit with solution-focused hypnotherapy

I can show you how my hypnotherapy sessions can help you to break your habit or addiction. With the use of hypnotherapy, I can work with you on an instinctive level to enable you to feel differently about what it is that you have been hooked on and to help ensure that any currently unmet basic needs are adequately met so that the habit or addiction cannot be kept in place.

Human beings are very habitual creatures by nature. This means that we are able to learn to speak, to read, to operate our computers and DVD players and essentially to master new skills.

‘Bad’ habits can also develop when behaviours become glued to situations, feelings and circumstances which then lead to unwanted consequences.

For survival purposes, dopamine and endorphines (chemicals in the brain) are released like a reward system encouraging us to thrive and to achieve more. Addictitive behaviours can hijack this reward system in a way which does nothing to assist with our survival.

Some of the more common habits that people want to stop which can be broken with hypnotherapy include:

  • shopping
  • work
  • sex
  • eating
  • nail-biting
  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • gambling
  • internet
  • chocolate
  • caffeine
  • skin picking

For more information about how my hypnotherapy session can help you stop your habit or addiction, or to book your appointment, please contact me and I will be happy to help.