Stress Management

When working with me for stress management, I can help you feel well again by showing you how you can respond differently to situations which used to be stressful. You can learn to relax and feel more comfortable in those situations. I can show you how you can relax more on an instinctive level and give you some wonderful techniques for relaxing in everyday situations. As part of this, I can help you ensure that your basic needs are met and that any habitual worry patterns are addressed. Contact me to find out more or to book an appointment.

Psychological stress can be defined as an individual’s perceived inability to cope with the demands placed upon them.

The right amount of stress is a good thing under the right circumstances. Stress allows us to be able to cope with a short term emergency. In times of stress, the flight or fight response is triggered and certain changes in the body take place (such as blood being shunted away from the non essential functions, like digestion, and into the major muscles for physical action). We can cope with these changes in dealing with short term emergencies but when the fight or flight response is kicking in continually and/or inappropriately then this is when a person can become ill as a consequence.

If you are affected by stress it is important to address this. Some of the effects of such continual and inappropriate stress include:

Weakened immune system
Disruption of digestive functions
Black and white thinking and fuzzy thinking
Increased risk of cancer
Emotional outbursts – bad temper
High blood pressure
Lowered sex drive
Shallow breathing