Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Overcome Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with solution-focused hypnotherapy

I can show you how you can quickly change the feelings and associations around the OCD. I can work with you to ensure your basic needs are being met in appropriate ways and therefore how to cut off the behaviour’s fuel. I can work with you to remove the fear and misuse of imagination and the ‘what might happen’.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is anxiety driven. The obsessive behaviour is an attempt to lessen the anxiety. It can also be an attempt to meet the basic needs for safety and security, a sense of control and a need for relaxation. The behaviours continue in order to try and switch off fears, doubts and anxieties.

Eventually, however, what seemed like a solution to the problem can then become the problem itself as the obsessive behaviours become more frequent and more intrusive.

OCD can affect people in different ways e.g:

  • Obsessive thoughts and/or actions
  • Obsessive checking
  • Obsessive thoughts of contamination
  • Obsessive thoughts of harming or offending one’s self or others
  • Obsessive thoughts/feelings of causing a catastrophe without awareness of it.
  • The obsessive behaviours can become very trance-like. This is one of the reasons hypnotherapy is great for stopping OCD – we are working on a similar level.

For more information about how I can help you overcome OCD, or to book your appointment, please contact me and I will be happy to help.