Sport Performance Enhancement

Enhance your sport performance with solution-focused hypnotherapy

I can show you how to achieve the mental state all sports people require to work at their best.

Excellent sports performance is as much to do with good mental abilities as physical abilities.

Many people, including sports professionals (such as Tiger Woods), have taken advantage of the benefits of hypnosis in order to improve their game. In fact, all sports people who perform well will go into a level of hypnosis naturally, what is commonly known as the ‘flow state’ and being ‘in the zone’.

I can show you how, with the use of hypnosis, you can learn to quickly and instinctively enter into that wonderful flow state and experience how it feels to be ‘in the zone’, allowing you to perform at your best. You can gain complete and pure focus without being distracted by thoughts which would otherwise get in the way. You can learn to achieve the mental state that all sports people require to perform well and benefit by learning to instinctively focus on the process of your sport rather than the outcome.

Repeated experiments have shown that when a skill is practised hypnotically then the same neuronal pathways are forged in the brain as if you were actually doing the activity. The helpful expectation of practicing your skill hypnotically can give you a positive template or ‘blueprint’ for when you come to perform your sport for real.

The instinctive mind works slightly faster than the thinking mind. With the use of hypnosis, we are working directly with instincts, and this is one of the reasons why hypnosis is so effective for enhancing sports performance.

I can show you how hypnosis can enable you to experience increased confidence and determination, helping you achieve more in your sport.

“If you visualise being stronger, running faster or winning, you are priming your nervous system to do just that…Studies have found that the method can enhance physical performance significantly, sometimes by 20 percent or more.”

Dr Aimee Kimball, the director of mental training in sports medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.

For more information about how I can help you enhance your sport performance, or to book your appointment, please contact me and I will be happy to help.