
Overcome Depression with Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy

I can show you how you can benefit from a natural treatment for depression based solid scientific evidence and tailored to your own individual needs.

Depression can be lifted by breaking the cycle of depression. I can work with you to help you to break the cycle of depression in as many places as possible and to cut down the amount of emotional arousal/rumination/introspection that has been holding that depression in place.

The cycle of depression starts with too much emotionally arousing rumination and introspection. The brain tries to clear the emotional arousal by dreaming it through. However, this leads to over-dreaming (too much REM sleep and less recuperative slow wave sleep) which exhausts the system and leads further onto more depressive thinking patterns.

I can work with you and show you ways to relax more and to ruminate less. This will mean less dreaming (which would otherwise exhaust the system) resulting in the benefit of more wonderful recuperative slow wave sleep, an increase in energy levels and the lifting of depressive symptoms. I can show you how to adopt more optimistic thinking styles and to ensure your basic human needs (such as nutrition and exercise) are properly being met.

Depression is ten times more common in those born after 1945 than those born earlier. This can be explained by looking at the way society has changed e.g. the break down of the extended family, dispersal of communities, increased focus on material wealth, increased focus on the self and the overwhelming prevalence of the news media. The startling increase in depression shows that the cause of depression is not usually biological or genetic – human biology cannot change in such a short time.

Some cultures have a much greater sense of community where depression is virtually unknown. For example, the Amish community where the community will all pull together to help each other out when there is a problem. Likewise in the traditional Kaluli tribe of New Guinea.

Common Symptoms of depression are:

  • Exhaustion on waking
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Early morning waking and difficulty getting back to sleep
  • Doing less of what you used to enjoy
  • Difficulty concentrating during the day
  • Improved energy as the day goes on
  • Anxious worrying and intrusive upsetting thoughts
  • Becoming emotional or upset for no particular reason
  • Shortness of temper, or irritability
  • Depression can be really tough to experience. However, it can be
  • overcome by understanding how it operates and by breaking the depressive cycle.

As well as my experience of how my solution focused hypnotherapy sessions can help you overcome depression, there is also research to back this up in that research has shown that certain types of therapy, including hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, are more effective in treating depression than other kinds of therapy. Others kinds of therapy may sometimes actually prolong the period of depression. After researching, The National Institute of Clinical Excellence decided in 2005 that talking therapies (such as hypnotherapy and psychotherapy) should be the first line of approach for the treatment of depression.

For more information as to how I can help you overcome depression or to book your appointment, please contact me and I will be happy to help.